Charts and infographic constructor

High-quality tool for creating charts and infographics in Figma


Need help?

Here are answers to our most frequently asked questions.

The subscription is required if you want to receive product updates.

Yes, of course, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

Yes, of course, you will be able to use the products for personal and commercial projects after your subscription ends.

If you purchased through Lemon Squeezy:

  • From your My Orders page if you made an account.
  • By clicking ”Download” button in your original purchase email. These are sent from with the subject ”You purchased …”

If you purchased through Gumroad:

Figma's Starter plan is 100% free for individuals. If you want to use more advanced features such as team libraries, dev mode, or multiple variable modes, you'll need to purchase a Professional plan.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We welcome your feedback about the product at

We also recommend checking Figma's Help Center for the best tutorials on more advanced features, such as components, variants, auto layout, interactive components, and component properties.

We use Lemon Squeezy and Gumroad to handle the payment process. They use secure SSL encryption, so you're very safe!

Yes, of course. We'll discount the amount you've paid for the commercial license. Just send us an email at

Yes, certainly. We will discount the amount you've already paid for the product (UI Kit, Icon Set, or Data Visualization) that is included in the Universal Design System. Please send us an email at

If you purchased through Lemon Squeezy:

  • From your My Orders page if you made an account. Just click the ”Generate Invoice” button.
  • By clicking ”Generate” link in your original purchase email. These are sent from with the subject ”You purchased …”

If you purchased through Gumroad:

  • By clicking the ”Generate” button on your receipt from Gumroad after your purchase.

You can use our products for any commercial project. Feel free to create unlimited designs for clients and charge for your services.

But please note that you can't use it to create another UI Kit, icon set, theme, or template, even if it's not in Figma. Be sure to review our License Agreement before purchasing.

We offer a 50% student discount. Please email us at before making your purchase, and make sure to use your student email or attach valid student ID/proof.

We typically respond within 2 business days, but it may take up to a week in some cases. If you haven't found our email in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder and ensure that is added to your White List or Safe Sender List.

If you still haven’t received an email, reach out to us on Instagram or X (Twitter).

We will do our best to answer your request as soon as possible.

Universal Data Visualization 1.0 - Charts and infographics constructor in Figma | Product Hunt